(08) 9722 1975
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SJOG Bunbury Medical Centre, Suite 1, Corner Bussell Hwy and Robertson Dr Bunbury WA 6230

Colorectal surgery Bunbury

How we can assist you at South West Colorectal Surgery

Colorectal Surgery - Dr Xavier Harvey

South West Colorectal Surgery offers a wide range of services. We offer a comprehensive general surgical service as well as a specialist colorectal care. We deal with many problems related to the lower digestive tract, including the anus, colon, and rectum. We also treat other common general surgical conditions, such as problems with the gallbladder, hernias and other lumps and bumps.


Colorectal surgery

Common conditions

Our services include colonoscopies to check for colonic problems, surgeries for colorectal cancer and rectal prolapse, and Sacral Neuromodulation for bowel control issues. We also treat anal conditions like haemorrhoids, fissures and fistulas. We also manage other colorectal problems such as complications of diverticular disease, endometriosis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. 

Colorectal surgery Bunbury

SW Colorectal

How can we help?

Essential for diagnosis and screening of colon conditions, ensuring timely detection and treatment. 

A procedure to remove cancerous growths from the colon or rectum, aiming to restore health and function.

Rectal prolapse surgery

A procedure to restore rectal function and alleviate associated symptoms by restoring normal anatomy by securing the rectum within the body.

A procedure that uses a pacemaker-like device to restore bowel control in patients experiencing faecal incontinence. 


Diagnosing and treating a range of anal conditions, including haemorrhoids, fissures, and fistulas, ensuring comprehensive care for patients.

Surgery for inflammatory bowel disease

Management and treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, ensuring optimal treatment outcomes.

Diverticular disease

Most people with diverticular disease don’t need surgery. It is important that if surgery is considered, your individual circumstances are weighed up to help make the decision that is right for you.

Surgery for endometriosis

Targets endometriosis that has spread to the colon or rectum, employing specialised surgical techniques to help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

Capsule endoscopy

A capsule endoscopy, also called the ‘Pill Cam’, is mostly used to find bleeding in spots that a gastroscopy or colonoscopy can’t reach.

Frequently asked questions

We consult at St John of God Bunbury Hospital. Procedures can be arranged at St John of God Bunbury and at the Bunbury Day Hospital

Our rooms at SJOG are attended every day of the week from 9am until 4.30pm.

You can call us at (08) 9722 1975 or fill out our web form.

Please bring your GP referral and any other relevant documents, such as scans, medical history, and medication information. Additionally, consider bringing insurance details, a list of questions or concerns, and any previous surgical or treatment records. 

Yes, for more information on parking facilities and public transport options, please visit the SJOG Bunbury Hospital website.

South West Colorectal Surgery

Get in touch

Have questions or are you ready to schedule your appointment? Contacting us is easy: 


Give us a call: Reach out to our friendly team at (08) 9722 1975 to discuss your needs, ask any questions, or book an appointment.

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Visiting us? Our map shows where you can find us in Bunbury.

South West Colorectal Surgery

Suite 1, Medical Centre St John of God Bunbury Hospital
Cnr Bussell Hwy and Robertson Dr
Bunbury WA 6230

(08) 9722 1975